Monday, November 11, 2013

Changing the Writing Stigma

When I was young, we had a reading program at my elementary school. Every book you chose in the library had a reading level and after you read it- you could take a test on the computer to answer comprehension questions about it. The more you read & the more answers you correctly completed- the more points you got. Take someone like me, who loves to read, and can be quite competitive- and you have yourself a successful program! (They stopped doing this because apparently it only works for people 'like me'!!) I moved to the top of the school and the top 3 of us got to go on a limo ride to Chik-fil-A! Awesome right!? It made a lasting impression on me. Additionally, I loved to write when I was a kid too. (Still do obviously!) I was always better at writing out my thoughts and ideas than speaking them. I wrote many stories and kept a couple different journals. I wrote this really funny story once in third grade about skeletons that came to life! I was so proud of it! Then one day, I received a letter in the mail, an advertisement, for a writing institute that supposedly trains up authors and illustrators. You had to qualify to get in by taking a writing-aptitude test first. I filled out the application. They sent the test to me. I spent hours working on it. And... then I was denied acceptance!! It completely stunk. Fortunately, I'm stubborn. I continued to write and thoroughly enjoy it today.

As a teacher now, having a writing rubric to assess my students, I know where my 'writing flaws' lie. I am strong in "voice" though- and I suppose I'm strong enough in that area to make up for the short-comings! I've written a few children's books (and learning to be a better artist in order to illustrate them) and hope to get the motivation to do something with them one day soon. All of my ideas for these books have come from my experiences with children. Their minds amaze me every day! I feel blessed every time I get to read what they have written!

Now usually, a majority of the students that start in my class are not very strong writers. This generation of students are skilled in many areas in which my generation was not but writing doesn't seem to be one of them. Although this makes my job harder- I LOVE it! I love to teach writing, (I'm pretty good at it!), and I really enjoy seeing the students exponentially grow in this area! The current class I have has already practically tripled their writing abilities this year. 

I'm going to give you my secrets to success. Not tooting my horn here or anything- but I really have been blessed with the ability to teach writing well and maybe you want to know too?
1) You have to model writing. Show your writing abilities. Your faults. Your interests. Your attempts, failures, and successes. They need to see that it's a process. 
2) Show the students/children/etc that famous and popular authors have to follow a process too. Show them that they are 'normal' people. Show them that there are lots of great literary works out there but also that there are lots of weak ones too. Sometimes by the same person!
3)Maybe this should be number one- because it's very important. Allow them to be comfortable writing! This is often the biggest hurdle for people to cross in the process of writing. They often worry so much about their attempts being judged or just not being -perfect- right away. Many of my teacher & other adult peers have trouble with this too. This is usually the first thing I establish in my classroom. It's OK to mess up, to fall short, or to need improvement. In fact- it's even better to have something to improve upon! 
4)Finally, give them a purpose. My students write for many reasons, in several subject areas but I always see the best results- most authentic writing, when they know something will come of their writing. 

Now that you have a look into my writing instruction, let me give you a look into why I love to teach writing. The following is a compilation of third grade writings. There is a lot to read, but trust me- it's worth every moment of your time! 

The first is an apology letter I received recently from a student who had gotten in trouble the previous day. 

I love the part, "The point is that I am sorry. So please forgive me." Best apology ever! :)

Next for you, I have a letter I found in a student's desk. She doesn't know I found it!  I had a substitute for a couple days because I was having my girlfriend visit for a couple days. (She lives 10 hours away!!) This is what I found folded up in the back.

Isn't that awesome!? It's cool because she wanted to say how much she missed me (like shame on me for being out!) but she also took a moment to show her support of me being out! ('It will be a "suprice" and 'Did she have fun?') 

Now this past week I did a writing prompt with my students and we picked a really cool one! The prompt was: "Pretend your grandpa told you not to use his special shampoo but you did anyway. Write about what happened." The following are just a few of my favorites!!!! 

That one is so funny! I LOVE the -POW- in it and all the terrible punishments!

You have to really use your secret-coding skills for this one but it's hilarious:
"Singing Taylor Swift songs" and "Heard my grandpa yelling at the tv" are the best lines to me! I love all the "old person" activities. ;)

This one is two pages long (hang in there!) but it's by one of my best writers. She will be published one day- I have no doubt about that!

This one is a stand-out among the others: (2 pages)

I hope you've enjoyed those! You can't honestly read them and not feel your mood lighten and your outlook on life refreshed. :) Writing is so much fun and I want to encourage you to find your place in the 'writing realm'. It's truly a hobby for everyone!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Apple Crisp

As most of you know, I am a teacher. I teach a classroom of 21 third grade students in a local public school. You are probably aware of the modern importance of the scores the students achieve on district, state and national testing. Well, our school certainly has it's areas to boast about but it has a lot of improvement to be made in the subject of writing. 
For me, this is great. I LOVE to write. I always have. Yes, I've had plenty of ineffective writing instruction and I've certainly had to write for punitive reasons an awful lot too (Thousands upon thousands of "I will not speak unless spoken to" lines of writing!). I received my share of bad writing grades written in red ink as well. For some reason, these things did not deter me- but I understand that for many, it does just that. In fact, I've learned this year that many of my peers would choose to read, speak, or listen a hundreds before choosing to write. 
So- in light of this- my school administrators and other professionals have been trying to train us to be better writers. Or at least more appreciative of it. In turn, fostering this in our students as well. Again- not a problem for me. It's stopping that I'm not comfortable with...

In our professional development meeting yesterday after school- we were asked to "write without stopping" for several minutes. We were free to write about whatever we wanted as long as we made a conscious effort to keep writing no matter what. 

Obviously, it was a long Monday. A long Monday which led to this: 

I title it: APPLE CRISP

No- I don't really have a riding lawn mower. In fact- I didn't even go home and mow the lawn anyway. Think my neighbor will read this blog post?!

Lesson of the day: Nobody wants to attend a professional development meeting at the end of a long Monday teaching children. I could have had a bad attitude and complained but I chose not to. I rather enjoyed the learning opportunity, did my part, and even found a small part to laugh at! Don't let your 'day' get you 'down'- Choose JOY :)

Thanks Friends & Fam!
Plz- comment and share,

Monday, July 29, 2013

"Let Me Grow Weary of Every False Relief"

I saw this quote recently in a type of short video presentation and it really struck a heart chord...

"Let me grow weary of every false relief". Wow.. if it didn't hit you, read it again. Slowly and inwardly. Ever since I saw this I have wanted this to be my prayer and my desire. There are so many things this world has to offer us- people, events, activities, visuals, actions.. whatever they may be- there are so many ways for us to find relief from the stresses and worries of life!

I don't know about you, but I'm thankful for that! I'm sure you heard this before:

"Life's tough. Get a helmet". Well,  that provides protection and maybe some perseverance but we need time-outs too. We can't just keep pushing forward without some RELIEF!

So.. it's a good thing to be relieved, yes? Well yes, it is. It's good, and it's necessary but most of the ways we, as humans, find (or seek) relief aren't as gratifying as we think. Or maybe they are, but only for the moment.

I am single, and living alone.. it gets old sometimes.. most of the time really.. I could relieve this feeling in many ways that are not 'good'. Images or people that are "easy to access".. they can certainly deviate my lonesome feelings.. but it won't last.. and they come with.. side effects!

I have dealt with a lot in my life.. family that wasn't there for me, people who've completely betrayed me, false accusations, loss of people I love... etc.. I could relieve my mind and my heart from the pain or anger with a couple of tall, cold drinks. Why not? Most people find it acceptable to. Again, the feelings will remain a day or so after and I will have wasted time, money, and gained a head ache and sacrificed my health a little.

I am ADD.. I am always tapping my foot and making lists on my hand of things not to forget.. it's not been easy learning to cope with it! I most definitely could get some medical help with this problem! And studies and real life examples show that it would provide relief for me to be on some kind of medication for this. It will also come with some side effects like sudden change of mood, loss of appetite, decreased emotion.. not to mention the inability to cope with the ADD (hence causing dependence).

I could go on.. but you all already know these examples and I'm sure you could come up with some of your own. My point is.. we need help to handle what life throws at us. Period. We need help! Maybe it's medication, maybe it's therapy.. maybe you need a friend to abide in or a medical opinion. I'm not against these things- God has many ways to reach us...

I want to encourage you, that if you are dealing with something (you are!), don't settle for some false relief that is only going to gratify or appease you for a brief moment of your life and could even leave you worse off later on down the road. Seek some trusted and true aid. No need to feel ashamed or afraid to say "I need help". I'll be the first to admit that I couldn't have gone through the things I have without God's hand upon me.

If you want to pray this prayer, feel free to do so. I wrote it and prayed it afterwards, for each of the readers of this blog to be able to make this their own. May God hear you, bless you, and grant you peace and RELIEF!

      Dear Lord,

Thank You for who You are, my creator and my redeemer. Thank You that You hear my prayers and You answer them. Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy. God, You know my heart and You know what I'm dealing with. I ask You humbly, that You will help me to resist my fleshly desires and to seek comfort and help from You and Your provisions. Lord, let me grow weary of every false relief. I don't want the answers the world has to offer. I want You and Your will for me. I love you God, I praise You and I thank You.


And thank you readers, for your time and your attention. I really hope for you to have been blessed by my words and reflections!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Bravo! Bravo!

by Michael Sutherland

My last post was a bit of... a rant. It was necessary, mind you- but I was up on my soap box for a while! Although I did some good preaching up there, it was more of a "step on some toes" kind of post that, unfortunately, probably did not reach those parents that needed to read it most.

Today, I am reflecting on what I have learned about parenting from other great parents. I am a people watcher- and very observant- so I take a lot in from my experiences with others. I believe part of my purpose, my God-given gift- is to parent.. and although God has truly blessed me with some talent and understanding in this area- I have learned SO MUCH from many of you too!

First, I have to start with my own parents.. my mom's greatest "parent act" is that of her sacrifice. She has given up much for her children. Relationships, work, money, health and personal desires.. each of these things could have more successful, more profitable, and more rewarding but it would have cost the happiness or wellness of us, her children. I have learned what a priority your children must be. They are not a hobby or for display- they are an extension of you.. and sometimes, you have to give up what you want- so that they may have a better, more fulfilling life. Thanks mom.

My dad lives a couple states away from me- and we may not talk very often- but when we do, it's like we just pick up right where we left off last time. My dad has taught me to take interest in your children and their likes/dislikes... or even include them in your own. There are so many dads out there that seperate family, work, and pleasure. It shouldn't be this way.. you can enjoy yourself and have fun right there with your family. My dad was the first one to get out in the grass and wrestle with you, or take you fishing or kayaking.. he'd take us to play darts or to the gym (his sacred place!) to learn 'from the best'. Thanks dad for showing me that fun and family go together. (He's also taught me a lot about finances and budgeting..)

My other mom (step mom) has loved me from the get go. I didn't want to like her.. she was way different than my mom or my dad.. and she just jumped right in like she belonged there... you know what? She DID.. and she DOES belong there. :) She has taught me to love despite.. despite "blood" or "attitude" or distance or preferences.. she has loved my older sister and I from the start and I thank her for that. Many "step" parents don't grasp that concept.. and it's a shame. (I've been there too..) 

Then there's my friend Barb.. she doesn't have perfect children.. why do I say that? Because when they are around, that's all you hear her say to them.. how great of children they are. How "handsome and beautiful and smart and talented... what a great soccer player and singer.. great with kids.. great mommy.. " These are all things I've heard her say about her children, very often. She loves on them and just speaks encouragement into their lives. This is something I've learned from her.. and I truly needed too.. growing up as a child, my step dad never spoke a single word of praise.. it doesn't come natural to me.. and to hear a mother talk about her children like they are the BEST children EVER.. a lesson worth learning. Thanks Barb.

As a teacher, I meet many families and a few of them you really relate with and maybe befriend.. well, there's a family whom I love..and they hold a really special place in my heart.. two kids that mean a lot to me, and two parents that are truly dear friends of mine.. they moved to Beaufort some time ago and I have missed them.. even more so now that I have visited them a couple times! My friend Monty (the dad & husband) does something A LOT of dads and husbands forget to do.. check in! He texts and calls his family throughout the day at work and when they are out of town.. like, a lot. He asks how their day is going and how the doctor appointment went.. he cares. This is a big thing- especially to the ladies! Thanks for teaching me that Monty. And Angie- (the mom/wife) has taught me determination. You see, she's in bad health (fybro myalgia and more..) and is often at home in pain (like my mom). This family has had to deal with a lot- finances and schooling and work problems... and nobody would hold it against them if they decided to "settle" for less in certain aspects of their lives...but Angie- she is determined for them to be happy and healthy as a family. The setbacks don't stop her from getting her family where they want to go. I love that about her and hope to apply that in my own life.

Stacy- my good friend and confidant.. is a lot like me.. a writer, and often very compassionate and reflective. What she embodies the most though, is understanding. Many times with her children, when I would have ignored the behavior or action, she is right there with a quick reaction and a lesson to be learned. She always wants to know how you're REALLY doing- and she cares.. she offers solutions; she talks and listens through it all; and she shares her own stories and experiences. She is very, very understanding when her children come to her with their problems or their stories or their complaints.. whatever it is.. she really CARES! Thanks Stacy for teaching me that it's okay to be 'a guy' and 'understanding' at the same time. :) (She is also a life-coach if you are interested..)

Mike and Cindy.. these are two of my mentors and friends that have helped me in countless ways throughout my college days.. they helped me financially (always having side work available!), economically? (I bought my car from them and lived with them too), but most of all.. they were always, always honest with me. Although they aren't parents of any human children- they have parented several boxers who are TRULY part of their family in every way! While I worked with and for them, lived with them, and went out to dinner with them.. we had many conversations about life and its many challenges and experiences. They never, ever sugar coated anything for me.. they would tell me when something I said or had done was stupid or when I had asked for what came to me. They would make "suggestions" (you better do this) as to how to make important decisions. They told me what I needed to hear, and not what I wanted.. and although it was sometimes harsh- I've appreciated every last bit of it. This world, particularly in parenthood, needs more people willing to 'tell it like it is' instead of playing politics or playing pretend. Thanks you two!

Shay and Brandon- parents of a former student of mine.. have taught me thoughtful parenting. Their children (particularly the one I had in my class) are very pleasant, well-rounded children. Their daughter, whom I taught, is an EXCELLENT student. She is very dedicated to everything she does and is just a stand-out kid! Her parents think of everything they can to benefit their children's lives. They try to make sure they have a consistent, early bed-time. They require healthy eating in their diets. They put their children in sports and other extra-curricular activities. So many times, they have shared with me how much they support their children and want to find any way to make their lives better. Thanks for this parenting tip!

There are many others I have learned from and continue to learn from (so don't feel left out!) but I can't go on all day! (Or you would just not read the whole post!) If you are a parent- I want to say THANKS for what you do. It's no stroll in the park... we mess it up sometimes and make mistakes.. but it's a tough job- and the most important one there is! Be encouraged. There are those out there, like me, that recognize the hard work you put into it. Don't judge your success by today (and especially not yesterday!), but rather invest in the future.. you are making the world a better place by being the great parent that you are!

Sincerely Yours,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Better "Dumb" than "Numb"

by Michael Sutherland

Imagine with me that you are filling a box... πŸ“¦ but not just a box but one that one day you will pass on to someone else. Imagine too, that it is a transparent box. Others will see the contents... This box is interactive too. People will experience the contents, maybe add or take from it.. As life goes on, you continue to fill this box. You would find that although you have a lot you want to put in the box- some things are not so important or maybe.. because of the size, shape or weight of the objects- the box cannot hold them. Maybe certain things should be placed first so that others can fit later? Or maybe you might want to fill it with certain items that you deem really important before others add things you don't think belong?

This box...

Is your child. Or your children. πŸ‘«

What are you filling your child with? What else is filling your child?
I hear many parents (today) say- "My child is going to learn it some day- might as well be now" or "this is real life" or "real world", "I'm not going to water it down for them". What a bogus notion. Seriously... If we are thinking of this box analogy- you want your child to first have a childhood. They are innocent- sure they make mistakes and they can get annoying or just be downright bad- but they are immature (and sometimes ignorant) for a reason. If you are allowing them to see and live the world the same as you do, you are robbing them of their childhood and innocence and replacing it with knowledge (images and thoughts) that they cannot comprehend and in turn, this creates children who have anxiety, depression, shame and low self esteem. 

I come across needy children ALL the time that CRAVE love ♥ and attention 😳... and usually, I find that the way they talk and what they talk about- is beyond what they should know or have experienced. These poor kids that feel like they should be something that their bodies/minds know that they are not ready for. 

I'm sorry to say it, but...
Its not okay to allow your children to watch movies that are Rated R (or very often, not PG-13 either..)❌
Its not okay to allow your child, pre-teen or young teenager to have unlimited, unsupervised access to the internet. πŸ’»
Its not okay to have adult-themed conversations around your children. 🚫
Its not okay to smoke and drink or do drugs around them. ⚠
Its not okay to allow your child to play hours of shooting & killing games. Ⓜ
Its not okay for you to allow your child to use foul language. 😱
Its not okay for your young girl to go to school or the mall or the skating rink with make-up and scarce clothing. 🚺
Its not okay for your young boy to stay glued to a screen. 🚹

I could go on.. but you understand what I am saying here...Yes? These things are not babysitters. You are not teaching them a lesson about the world. You are not preparing them for "the real world" 🌍 by allowing adult behaviors. Want me to prove I'm right? Think on this...

To rebel, 50 to 100 years ago, youth would smoke pot. Now its nothing for them to do X or meth or some pill concoction.
To "fight back" against the authorities, the youth would form rallies or get into fights and etc.. now they do shootings and bombings.
Girls would date the "bad guys" to rebel, now they purposely get pregnant by them.
Young guys would hang out on a corner with the fellas and pick fights with the other guys; now they join gangs where murder and larson are the initiations.

They have to 'step it up' nowadays because what was once deemed as rebellious or wrong, is now more acceptable.. and it wouldn't be rebelling if what they did was seen as acceptable.. 

We are numbing our children- making them more comfortable and accepting of the norms of the adults. So what will happen when they are adults? How will their children perceive the world- or better yet- how will they react to it? How will they rebel? 

Please... think about this parents. We need to focus less on our careers and our retirement and more on our youth! Easy and care-free parenting is a lie.. if its like that then you are doing it wrong. Bring back ethics. Make morals a priority. Knowledge and experience does not teach responsibility- obedience and limitations do. πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

This is not "the Christian way" or "traditional parenting".. I am not selling my personal parenting opinion to you. There is no "co-exist" notion here either- there aren't many good ways to do it. There's just RIGHT πŸ‘and there's WRONG πŸ‘Ž. 

For the sake of this blog, I want to define the word "dumb" for you as I have used it in the title. To be dumb is to be without intelligence, knowledge or good judgement. Our children are certainly not without intelligence.. but they are meant to be without knowledge and good judgement- these things come with experience... it is better to be this way, than to be numb.. (without feeling) to mature things.  Social media, gaming, and technology (although useful) has a large hand at making this generation more introverted and is limiting their social skills. As a parent, you can counter this effect...

In this "box" πŸ“¦ we are filling.. let's not fill it with junk. Let's fill it with what we want to see used for the future. Let's fill it with what we want others to see in it. If you like the arts, then teach your kid about music 🎼 and theatre 🎬and art 🎨. If you are the athletic type, then teach your child agility🚴 or speed ⚽or strength training 🏊. Whatever you are good at or appreciate in the world- whatever you think is going to benefit our society and make your child happy- ALLOW your child to learn that! Put that in the box!

No matter which kind of parent you are. You can take something from this. Look at yourself.. look at your child.. I'm sure you've done a lot of good. What else can you do? The children- they deserve the best we can do. πŸ˜ƒ

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Back to the Future [Spoken Word]

Back to the Future

Speaking the truth like a serum
I bring you this heart knowledge

Don't tune it out or twist it
Many of you have already missed it

Jesus came, like the Field of Dreams
but more like a dream, come true
He came and He died for me and for you

He took away your sin from your burdened back
Jesus had mercy, gave us the grace we lack

He bore our sins and paid for it in full,
no payment plan or interest, just pay back.. 
Sounds like revenge but the truth is, we were His to begin with
The devil tried to steal you but like a dumb criminal, he didn't realize 
the depth of God's love for us. 

We are set free. Free from the bondage. Free from the guilt. 
Free from our past and free from our sins!

Are you walking in victory today? Like a gladiator, we fight for our lives but we have an Almighty victorious warrior who has already won the battle for us!

But for some reason, we continue to reach back. Like a sci-fi film, we go back in time.. and we reclaim our sins. We place ourselves back into our past and place the chains back upon our wrists. 

Jesus buried our transgressions in the tomb with Him but we rob His grave and again, own those worthless treasures. 

I'm here to tell you that its time to come Back to the Future. Hop in the Delorean and leave your former self behind for good!! 

No chains. No limits. Surrender your life to the one who gave it to you to begin with. Taste and see that the Lord is good! And if you will only let Him have ALL Of YOU, He will unbound you and enlarge your territory beyond you can imagine.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

--Don't Be Ashamed of Your Blessings!--

A good friend of mine told me recently that she realized that she had a creative mind and that she was going to begin to 'feed' and 'nurture' that part of her mind more often. All I could think when she said that was- DUH! Of course you have a creative mind- everyone that knows you knows that about you!

This got me thinking about myself. You know, one of my favorite sayings that I live my life by is: "Self Reflection is Key". Key to what? Key to improvement, to happiness, to preventing repeated mistakes. For me- key to wisdom! For years I have tried to look at my circumstances and my experiences from an outside view. I think about how others perceive me and what were the results of my actions. Is God pleased with me and how could I make a better impression? Am I making a positive impact on the world I'll one day leave behind?

God created me different. I don't mean like, Barney different... "Everyone is special, special.." playing in my head...  I mean seriously, different from other people, different from other guys especially. And I don't mean different, like gay or peace & love or cult leader or gothic thoughts.. haha, you see I just got back from the beach:

Friends and family @ Myrtle Beach!

      I took my sisters and a previous foster child to the beach for spring break. It was the same
      location as last year (I blogged about it too!) and it was just as cold as last year too! Regardless,
      we had a ton of fun! I had some GREAT friends come up and visit with us and they certainly
      made the experience that much more enjoyable.. Although I could probably take up all of your
      time talking about how much fun we had- I want to at least try to stay on topic! You see, at the
      hotel we stayed at, there is a water park, a couple pools, and a couple hot tubs (in addition to
      obvious attractions of the beach!). Within a day or two only, I had countless children hanging all
      over me! There were children on my back, pulling me under water, splashing me, waving at us up
      and down the elevators and in the hallways, etc etc.. my kids made friends so fast because of my
      ability to win all those little hearts over!!!

At least there were indoor pools  :P

Now as you can imagine, it was a bit awkward, as a young single male, to have all these children all over me when we don't even know one another and their parents are (for the most part) all sitting in the hot tub or the patio furniture doing nothing. I most certainly don't want to give the wrong impression!!! However, not a single one seemed to mind and everyone had such a great time! And to be honest- I had the best time of all. This is how I'm different. I loved every minute of it! Not for any of the wrong reasons- I just love making children happy. I love hanging out with them and having fun with them! We made so many new friends and in fact, there was one particular family that we hung out with a lot [went to dinner with them on our last day there and felt like we were saying bye to long lost family! :( The kids were so cool.. one was just so funny with the things she said and the expressions she made! They will be missed!! ].

This can be a problem to many.. and well, it has been on occasion. People just don't understand why someone like me would be.. 'the way I am!' without ill intentions. For some time now, I've lost the feeling that this is a good quality of mine. I've received a couple "negative reviews" let's say from a couple people and I've let it get to me- that my involvement in the lives of children is too much and not appropriate in this day and age.

After this week at the beach- seeing the joy I brought to all those children!- I remember again that this isn't a flaw, but a BLESSING from no one other than God above. He made me this way and I will not let close-minded, joy-less people make me believe otherwise again. If I do, then stories like this will not be possible:

      As some of you may know, my family loves to roller skate! You could say we are addicted! Ha..
      So... while we were at the beach, we decided to go the local skating rink (I've been before and it's
      quite an impressive place!!).

      While there, a kid came skating around (she was probably 8 or 9)
      and she was singing at the top of her lungs! It was funny until I realized that the song that was
      playing had many "bleeped out" words that she was not filtering herself. To make the impression
      for you- this little girl was yelling "f*ing awesome" every time the chorus came around. I was
      shocked and I couldn't help myself... "Excuse me, come here.." I say. She comes over (she was an
      excellent skater!). "You know, you shouldn't be saying words like that. I don't even talk like that".
      "Well, I'm not polite and I don't care" she says, "I can say whatever I want". I went on to explain
      to her that yes, she can say whatever she wants, but she shouldn't. That God didn't make her a
      young lady to sound like a sailor! I told her that other kids aren't going to think she's cool or
      more mature just because of what comes out of her mouth. After some time of talking, I could tell
      that I had struck a nerve. I had really made an impression and she really saw where I was coming
      from. After that conversation, I was her instant friend! She followed my family around the rink
      everywhere. You could tell that nobody gives her attention at home and the attention she may get,
      is probably not positive (her parents had dropped her off there as they did often she told me).
When we left, she was to the point of tears. She hugged us many, many times. She begged me to come skating again the next day. She asked several times when she would see us again. It was tough to leave her behind. I wanted to find the parents and shake them up!!

If I had listened to some of these "nay-sayers" in my life- I would have avoided that kid in the first place and just let her be. An older male talking to a young, needy girl.. shame, shame, you know!? Without a shadow of a doubt though.. I KNOW that God placed me there for a major purpose. I impacted that child's life.. you'll read this and pray for her too.. and she will be so much better off now than she may have been before.

I want to encourage you, the reader, too.

Each of us are "..fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14

Know what special skills and qualities God has blessed you with and USE THEM!!! Don't let anyone or anything hinder the difference you could be making in this world! As a Holy Father, He wants to see you happy and successful! Even more so- He wants to see you bring out happiness and success in the lives of others too!

God Blessed You,